種類···ポケモンカード(ポケカ)ポケットモンスターMeiji おまけ ゲットカード入手不可 年代物ゲンガー ゼニガメ ミニリュウバタフリー ニャース ✖️2Buyee 海外の方の購入もOK I would like people who like overseas Pokemon to buy it. Despite being from 1999, it is in relatively good condition. It may no longer be available. Please take this opportunity to purchase it.
種類···ポケモンカード(ポケカ)ポケットモンスターMeiji おまけ ゲットカード入手不可 年代物ゲンガー ゼニガメ ミニリュウバタフリー ニャース ✖️2Buyee 海外の方の購入もOK I would like people who like overseas Pokemon to buy it. Despite being from 1999, it is in relatively good condition. It may no longer be available. Please take this opportunity to purchase it.